• Jan 9 2024

Use of caustic soda in water purification

Water purification: Water purification is a process in which undesirable substances are removed The mixture or solution in water is separated for different uses and creates purified water. Some chemicals are used in the initial stages of water treatment. such as chlorine, iodine, bromine, silver, non-toxic organic acids, lime and mild alkalis such as caustic soda in water purification, Neutralizing chemicals such as caustic soda/caustic soda and ion exchange. The use of caustic soda in water purification Because caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is an alkaline substance and has a neutralizing effect. If the water is acidic, one of the ways used to adjust the pH is The use of liquid soda (sodium hydroxide | caustic) is in the water purification process. By adding liquid soda to the water, the pH is raised to near neutral. In order to increase the pH of water in water wells, liquid caustic soda is injected into the well. Since the liquid soda solution is also corrosive, a corrosion resistant feed pump The chemical adds liquid soda to the beginning of the water flow to raise the pH. Liquid soda should be added directly to the water well to avoid corrosion of the wellhead equipment and suction pump Water should also be avoided. If disinfection is needed in different stages of water and wastewater treatment, you can use sodium hypochlorite (brine water). Application of soda perak in water purification The use of soda ash in water purification is very wide due to the alkalinity of the soda and the increase in the pH of the water, and it prevents the corrosion of the pipes and facilities of the water treatment plants. In addition to preventing the damages caused due to the corrosion of the walls of the facilities, Sod Perak prevents the entry of lead and copper into the water. We will examine the application, benefits and role of caustic soda in water purification and how to use it. The reason for using soda perak in water purification One of the biggest challenges in water treatment plants is water acidity and low pH. In general, the lower the pH value of the water, the more acidic it is, and for this reason, the corrosiveness increases to a great extent. Failure to control these conditions causes the pipe walls and facilities of the treatment plants to corrode over time. Baking soda or caustic soda, which is also known as sodium hydroxide among water purification chemicals, has high alkalinity and can be used to increase pH. In other words, the main reason for using soda ash in water purification is to increase the pH of water and reduce its corrosiveness. This material is prepared as a white solid, and it has a high absorption rate of carbon dioxide and produces a lot of heat in contact with air. Due to the fact that these open substances are very strong and lead to skin burns, for this reason it is also called caustic soda. The use of Perak profit in water purification As mentioned, the decrease in the pH value of the water leads to an increase in the acidity of the environment, and because of this, the pipes and walls of the treatment plant will suffer from corrosion, cracks and holes. In general, the applications of baking soda or caustic soda in water purification are as follows: Adjust the pH of the water The main reason for using caustic soda in water is to reduce the acidity of the environment by increasing the pH value. Due to the fact that substances such as chlorine are used in water treatment plants for disinfection and disinfection, for this reason its pH value decreases. A large amount of chlorine in water increases its acidity and leads to corrosion of metal surfaces. For this reason, baking soda or sodium hydroxide can be used in the standard amount to adjust the pH. As a result, many material damages can be prevented with these materials. In addition to preventing the corrosion of pipes and damage to the facilities, the water is acidic and changes its color over time. The reason for this color change is that parts of the metal pipes are separated and dissolved in water. In the corners of the stucco walls of the houses, the color of the water gradually turns red, which indicates the corrosion of the pipes. The use of soda perak in water treatment industries Baking soda or solid sodium hydroxide with the chemical formula NaOH is one of the most important industrial chemicals that is widely used in water and wastewater treatment. If you hear the name of caustic soda flake, it actually refers to the same substance. Solid sodium hydroxide is opaque white or milky white and available in powder form. These feathers are soluble in water and can increase the alkalinity of water. In urban water treatment facilities, flaky sodium hydroxide is used to control water acidity and help remove heavy metals from water. Baking soda solution is also used to produce sodium hypochlorite, a strong disinfectant for water. Before introducing the most important applications of soda ash in the water treatment industry, it is necessary to first mention the most important general applications of this alkaline chemical compound. Undoubtedly, knowing this information will help you get to know the industries that consume sodium hydroxide better. General applications for the composition of sodium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide, sometimes known as "lye" or "caustic soda", is a chemical compound with a very high alkaline pH. The properties of this chemical have made it ideal for use in a wide range of different applications, including the manufacture of cleaning products, water purification, production of paper products, etc. Due to the alkaline nature of baking soda, sodium hydroxide is a strong skin irritant, so use this product with caution. Especially when transporting in factories or loading for sale and exportSafety mats will be essential. Solid sodium hydroxide is available in pure form, generally in the form of flakes or pellets. This form is the same as Perak interest. Two of the most important applications of soda ash in water purification systems corrosion control; Using caustic soda (baking soda solution) to control corrosion and calcium carbonate deposition The failure of water distribution system infrastructure in treatment plant facilities due to corrosion is a major challenge faced by water companies in this century. In addition to the problems of water turning red, which is usually caused by corrosion of distribution pipes, there are several other problems related to pipeline corrosion that affect water quality, operation and maintenance costs of the distribution system. Perak soda solution in the water treatment plant One of the effective methods to reduce water corrosion is to change the chemicals after treatment to adjust the pH of the sodium bicarbonate solution. This solution can strongly minimize the precipitation of excess calcium carbonate. Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) – baking soda – raises the pH of water without introducing calcium ions into the solution to form a calcium carbonate precipitate. Consequently, to set a specific pH, caustic soda (baking soda solution) should reduce the likelihood of calcium carbonate precipitation compared to lime solution. To add baking soda solution with the right concentration, paying attention to things like the initial concentration of calcium in the water, the pH level, the temperature and the amount of caustic soda in the water will show whether adding this solution can be a better substitute for lime or not. These conditions should be checked carefully. Because many factors affect the rate of calcium carbonate deposition in water pipelines, criteria should be introduced to determine a wide range of water quality control conditions. Based on these results, it is determined when soda ash or caustic soda solution is more useful in terms of corrosion control and reducing calcium carbonate deposition in water tanks and distribution systems, compared to lime solution.
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